Best top 10 Ways to improve health system

 Improving your overall health and well-being is easier than you think, and you can start the day just by making a commitment to yourself to take the first step and make small changes.


There are many factors that contribute to our overall health and well-being:

Food and nutrition

It's what you eat, of course. Eating a healthy balanced diet isn't just about cutting out certain foods, which can actually be harmful to your health, because cutting out or cutting out certain foods means you're not eating right. Eat adequate amounts of each of the five food groups; grains and potatoes, fruits and vegetables, milk and milk, meat, fish and alternatives, fats and sugars, meaning you get carbohydrates, proteins, fats and the vitamins and minerals you need to support homeostasis or optimal functioning. of mind and body.


Increasing the amount of exercise you do is not only good for your heart and overall physical health, but also for your mind and emotional well-being. We aim to exercise 30 minutes a day, five days a week. This should be an exercise where the heart rate is elevated, such as brisk walking, running/jogging, cycling, yoga, swimming, aerobics, tennis or jogging.

Living conditions
Living conditions

Your lifestyle affects your overall well-being. Try to stop smoking and reduce alcohol consumption. Your surroundings, the people around you, for example the movies and TV you watch, should also factor into your lifestyle.

Basic / self-confidence

Self-esteem and confidence are what you think about yourself, others, and the environment. If you spend too much time thinking negatively, your experience will show it. Trying to be more positive about yourself and the people around you will bring more positive experiences into your life.


It is important to understand that external factors do not affect us; It is our response to external factors that causes us to feel stressed. Indeed, what may seem stressful to one person may be motivating to another.

It can be caused by many factors including stress, work/career, relationships, divorce, moving house, boredom, loneliness, low self-esteem/to name a few.

If we don't deal with stress, short-term and long-term symptoms start to appear and we can experience many emotional and physical ailments.

Try this short Wellness Wheel exercise to think about your lifestyle and how you can improve your own health and well-being.

Draw a circle and divide it into 8 segments as if you were cutting a piece. Name each segment related to an area of ​​your life like this: stress, food/nutrition, exercise, healthy habits, time management, work/career, family/fun/leisure/interests, and core/self-confidence. If you feel there is an area that is not represented, you can replace or change the segment. These are the most common and can be a good place to start.

Now draw a horizontal line equally spaced through the segment to give 10 blocks.

When you look at the Wheel of Fitness, count the blocks in each segment as your area of ​​well-being and the value from 1 to 10.

For example, if you think your diet and nutrition are poor, you can rate this as a 2.

Shade in one block for each segment until the wheel is finished. There are no right or wrong answers; This is about your personal life and well-being.

A few points to note; you must complete it as it is in your life, not as it was or as it should be. You have to be honest with yourself to get real results!

The wheel of health

Your completed health wheel will show you the areas in your life that you need to work on the most.

Select only one area from the wheel to start. This will be the lowest rated area. If you have a low rating, choose the one you think is most important to you right now.
wheel of health

Choosing just one area of ​​your life to work on means you will affect more change than if you choose two or more. Also, if you make a positive change in one area, it will have a positive effect and effect on other areas of your life. The address of other areas that you want to change will give you confidence.

Make a promise to yourself once you are ready to make changes in this area to improve your overall health and well-being. Be clear about what you want to achieve. For example, if you rate the nutrition and nutrition area as a 2, you want to increase this by a higher number. Visualize what you want to achieve in this field, what you want and then focus on it, that's your goal. Work towards it!

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