Health and fitness training is very different from fat loss training. Fat loss training requires variables. intensity, very high heart rate, and largest strength for best results. Omit, health and fitness training requires increased. endurance, reduced rest periods, and increased cardiovascular endurance during training. By understanding the difference between. health and fitness training and fat loss training, you can improve yours. results in the gym tenfold.
Health and fitness workouts usually. start with cardio, meaning you choose your heart rate and can hit five. beats per minute of your desired heart rate during your cardio session. That way, you ask your heart to do the same, regardless of the level of fatigue and intensity required. by the machine. In this case, you usually adjust the speed and intensity so that your. heart rate is stable, thus teaching your body how to maintain. intensity despite environmental changes. This principle applies when you lift weights by choosing lighter, endurance-oriented exercises.
Weight loss exercises use the principle
of varying. heart rate and/or intensity, asking your body to respond to extreme demands. By demanding a variable intensity, you shock. your body and force it to adapt its energy needs for any activity. This adaptation results in increased oxygen consumption after prolonged exercise. Oxygen consumption after exercise requires an increase in metabolism. demand, which leads to an increase in caloric needs and fat loss.
Whether it's health, fitness, or fat loss, designing your workouts around specific goals is essential to getting the results you want. Exercising without a specific goal in mind is like wearing your clothes blindfolded: you might not look the way you expect. He should open his eyes.