Best top 10 Way Lazy ways to exercise your dog

 Go ahead...give your dog the gift of regular exercise. It seems simple...right? OK! Your dog will be happier, healthier, and better behaved. Many behavioral problems stem from excess energy... so it burns. Read on to learn how to bond with your dog through fun exercises.

Dog The Love With Regular Exercise

How much practice is enough?

The answer will depend on the dog's unique needs. A small dog needs less training than a large dog. Also, the age of your dog will be a factor. But the best way to determine if your dog is getting enough exercise is to ask yourself, does your dog seem satisfied? When I took my German Shepard out for a 20-minute walk... he looked at me like we're done yet? If this is your dog, you need to extend the way.

Good practice involves obedience.

It is important to have full control while walking your dog. This will help with unexpected situations like a rental dog or a child on a bike. Work with your dog on commands such as sit, treat and stay.

Obey the command.

Can you imagine running a marathon? To keep your dog in top shape, give him daily exercise. So open your planner and schedule the time that works best for you. Your dog will happily thank you!

High-energy dog ​​challenge.
High-energy dog ​​challenge.

Do you have a dog that can't seem to get bored? I also! A great way to burn energy is to use interval training. Start at a slow pace to warm up and build up to a fast pace. Do it at a brisk pace for two minutes, then slow down for a few minutes.

Bonus tips for healthy exercise.

Your dog may not always communicate what it needs. So it's your job to be an observer... Here are some tips to help:

o Check the dog's shoes for breaks and injuries

o Make sure your dog is hydrated

o Do not exercise after your dog has eaten

o, Walk in the cold when the weather is hot. Asphalt can damage dog paws.
If you're tired of grinding all day.

If you're tired of grinding all day... mix it up! Throw in a game of catch or frisbee. A dog park can also be a great place for exercise and socialization.

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