Best top 10 Way Avoid smoking and exercise regularly

 After doing some research, I learned that it doesn't work that way. Smoking is more serious than a lack of exercise. Although it works well for your cardiovascular health, secondhand smoke is highly toxic which will harm you in the long run. In fact, because of what it does to your heart and lungs, it increases the stress on your body when you hit the gym, and therefore increases the likelihood of a medical emergency. Additionally, skipping before and/or after the gym will prevent you from achieving an optimal workout.

Smoking On Your Workout

In other words, if you smoke... focus on quitting now. Put all your energy into being healthy and smoking is impossible. A vigorous exercise regimen can help you achieve this goal by taking your mind off acne and giving you an adrenaline rush to fuel your good behavior (I know how hard it can be!).

Let's explore how smoking affects your exercise:
smoking affects

Lower stamina: We all know exercise is hard, so it's called WORK! When you smoke, it reduces your stamina by about 10 percent and puts extra stress on your body. It can also make it harder to get your workout right, which can make you feel frustrated and stop working out altogether!
Heart problems: Smoking and exercise put extra strain on your heart. When you do cardio and smoke, less oxygen reaches your body. It causes your heart to beat faster to supply your body with oxygen. When you smoke and exercise, it can be too much for your heart and cause a heart attack!
Decrease Gain: Preventing proper oxygenation to your tissues (carbon dioxide produced when you smoke) can decrease your ability to gain muscle! If your muscle tissue doesn't repair quickly after a workout, it negatively affects your ability to build muscle.
It is safe to say that the positives outweigh the negatives when it comes to quitting smoking. If you quit now, your body will quickly work to reverse the damage you did. You will notice a positive difference in endurance and post-workout recovery within a week of your workout! So remember, no matter how old you are, it's never too late to make the right choice and kick the habit for good!

Check out my Smoking and Exercise Blog for more tips on getting fit!

My name is Cara Jackson and I am an everyday person who has daily weight problems. My life was turned upside down when I found myself running long distances. It started with running, then progressed to fitness classes, swimming, yoga, and spinning... It got me interested in healthy food and all the latest health and nutrition news.
Smoking and Exercise

I decided to do something with my passion by starting this fitness blog. I regularly enjoy sharing everything I learn about health and fitness, check it out: The Oatmeal Cup []! !!

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