Best top 10 Way Body fitness tips for Female

 Most of us do this at some point in our lives... and hey, some of us can do it every day... it has a way of creeping into many areas of our lives without giving up.

Fitness Ideas

At home, I always focus on household chores... "I take out the trash in the morning" or "I wash in the morning"...

When it's time to exercise, the reasons are endless. "Exercise in the morning"... then later "oh, I'm a bit tired... exercise in the morning"... and so on. after staying up late and sleeping through the alarm, you repeat the same game over and over again.

Sometimes the reason
is more detailed... "I need to buy new sneakers first, and while I'm doing that, I need to make an appointment with the pediatrician to see if I need orthotics."

But if you are serious about your Health and Fitness, then procrastination is worth it. Below are ten (10) tips to re-establish your Health and Fitness regime.

1. Make sure you set realistic goals for yourself. If you work 55 hours a week, attend work/business for 1-2 hours each day, and add family responsibilities, expecting to go to the gym 6 days a week might be a bit unrealistic. Maybe it will be lucky to win twice and the remaining four days will be a sin. Often this will make you give up on the idea of ​​exercising altogether.

Every training experience should be positive. A better approach is to split one gym session per week at first, with a 20-minute walk during your lunch break on other days. It's best to start with a smaller, more achievable exercise goal and slowly build up until you get 150 min/per week of cardiovascular exercise.

2. Schedule your exercise time in your diary or calendar. Scheduling exercises at the same time and day can develop a routine. This allows others to learn your routine so it can be used as well. Once in your diary, do the same with the other views.

It is important to schedule
exercise at the most convenient time. Don't do it when you are very tired or hungry. I find that exercising in the morning is best because it reduces the chance of "failing to exercise" later.

3. Get a workout buddy. Find someone of a similar fitness level to train with, and who expects to meet you at a specific time and place, and you'll be more likely to have training time scheduled in your diary.

4. Get a personal trainer. A personal trainer is a more loyal type of workout buddy. A personal trainer is an appointment in your diary, and in some cases, you have to pay even if you miss a session... this can be a great incentive to make sure you put in the work! The advantage of a personal trainer is that you don't have to think about training yourself, and you are more likely to train more than you would do it yourself.

5. Document your progress. This is a great way to stay motivated. If you regularly review your progress and can see your progress easily, you will be motivated to keep moving forward.

6. Reward yourself regularly. Money is used by children ... why not? If you have enough money, you will be surprised at what you can do. Try gathering a group of friends with similar fitness goals for super prizes! Or buy yourself a new outfit when you hit your weight loss goal... What works.

7. Shopping by myself... they say it will only take 5 minutes. You may feel like exercising, but say you are going to start your program and only do it for 5 minutes, and you will stop if you don't want to do it. Most of the time you will finish your program.

8. Do not approach everything as important. Disaster counts... Hide the remote control! Make yourself take the stairs ... keep the car away from shops or meetings ... get off the bus or train one stop earlier ... take the children to the park and chase ... or try to get up. get out of bed every time the ad breaks and move around (eg walking or pushing, etc.)

9. Choose sports activities
that suit your lifestyle. If you are a busy mom with 3 kids under 3 years old, you can go to the gym 5 days a week. Likewise, if you're a corporate executive who works 60 hours a week and has a commute, chances are you hit the gym right after work every day at 8 p.m.
Choose sports activities

So choose an exercise activity and time that suits your lifestyle. A working mother may be better off combining exercise time with activities that involve children. Pushing the pram off-road (ie on the road or off-road) is a great workout for new mums. Or chase the kids around the park for an hour. It is also important for children to learn that exercise is part of everyday life. Exercising as a family can have a very positive effect on family dynamics... as mentioned.

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