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 Gut health is directly related to the presence of friendly bacteria. The intestine is our large intestine. It is located at the tip of our digestive system. It is five and a half feet long and two and a half inches in diameter. This is often called our body's waste system because it is responsible for removing waste from our bodies.

Understanding Their Relation

It helps the intestines digest food and helps our body absorb nutrients from food. That's where friendly bacteria come into the picture. Did you know that millions of bacteria live in your healthy gut? Some of these bacteria are good and others are bad. In a healthy gut, the good outweighs the bad.

When an imbalance occurs, the bad bacteria outnumber the good, leading to a condition called dysbiosis. This imbalance leads to constipation, diarrhea, colon cancer, inflammation, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and many other health problems.

Causes dysbiosis

Let's examine what causes this disparity. What causes bad bacteria to take over the friendly bacteria in the gut?
Causes dysbiosis

Antibiotics kill bad bacteria and good bacteria. Taking antibiotics for a long time causes a lack of friendly bacteria in our intestines. It has often been seen that he suffers from a yeast infection, more often than not a yeast infection or STI. This is because antibiotics kill good bacteria and this leads to an overgrowth of bad bacteria called Candida (which causes yeast infections).
Oral contraceptives, corticosteroids, and aspirin can also kill good bacteria in our intestines.
A diet high in meat, fat, and sugar is harmful to friendly bacteria. Unhealthy bacteria thrive on sugar and meat. So eating lots of meat and sugar provides an environment where bad bacteria thrive. When it starts to grow, it is obvious that the good bacteria will die.
Chlorinated water is one of the culprits in killing good bacteria. Filtered water is a better and safer option.
Sudden changes in diet can cause dysbiosis, such as when you travel abroad.
Good bacteria
You can restore balance by restoring good bacteria. But what about beneficial bacteria? Lactobacillus Acidophilus, commonly known as acidophilus, is defined as a good bacteria. A healthy diet is very important for digestion and bowel function. Bifidobacterium is a good bacteria that live in our intestines.

How to restore good bacteria

According to the Gut Health Guide, your gut should be 85% acidophilus and 15% coliform bacteria.
So how can we restore the good bacteria in our gut?
How to restore good bacteria

Probiotic supplements are very effective in restoring good bacteria in the gut. This supplement contains friendly live bacteria that help balance gut microbes.
Sulfur helps create an acidic environment in the gut, and this acidic environment is favorable for the growth of friendly bacteria such as acidophilus and bifid.
By taking probiotic supplements with yogurt, you support gut health. You should also avoid things that harm bad bacteria. Avoid taking unnecessary antibiotics. Eat healthily and exercise regularly for your health. Yes, you can continue to cleanse your colon to protect your health.
For more information on colon health [], visit Colon Health Problems []. Gut Health Overview is a resource filled with information about gut health, gut disease, colon cleansing, and more.

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